
                                                    In addition, this approach would require
                                                    the development of anti-abuse provisions…

                                                                                                        —Notice 2014-5
                Nice try! Those who thought they had you won’t
                think so. They’ll resurrect your dragon when
                you’re gone, to watch over their hoards. They don’t
                discriminate — it happens that all other men
                are better than their memory of the hours
                you sacrificed, expecting nothing back
                except that we would not pervert the powers
                you’d given us to turn white into black.
                At least, that’s what we gather from this last
                finesse of yours. Who truly comprehends
                the worlds that will emerge from spells you’ve cast?
                A friend is known by whom his word defends.
                And so, it’s done. You’ve kept – with no excuse –
                all promises you made, anti-abuse.


by maggie and sheila


background notes — heptahedral

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